nahh saya terdorong untuk membuat translate , nama senjata,skill,class,troops,enemy ,dll
Ini Untuk script vocab , untuk fungsinya kamu pasti tau ini buat apa :D
# ■ Vocab
# 用語とメッセージを定義するモジュールです。定数でメッセージなどを直接定義す
# るほか、グローバル変数 $data_system から用語データを取得します。
module Vocab
# ショップ画面
ShopBuy = "Buy"
ShopSell = "sell"
ShopCancel = "cancel"
Possession = "Number of"
# ステータス画面
ExpTotal = "Exp.Tot"
ExpNext = "Next To"
# セーブ/ロード画面
SaveMessage = "Do you want to save ?"
LoadMessage = "How do you load?"
File = "File"
# 複数メンバーの場合の表示
PartyName = "%s We"
# 戦闘基本メッセージ
Emerge = "%s Occurrences of!"
Preemptive = "%s Took the initiative!"
Surprise = "%s Have been caught off guard!"
EscapeStart = "%s Fled!"
EscapeFailure = "I was not able to escape but!"
# 戦闘終了メッセージ
Victory = "%s Victory!"
Defeat = "%s Lost the battle."
ObtainExp = "%s Gain the experience!"
ObtainGold = "Money %s\\G I did get!"
ObtainItem = "%s got a!"
LevelUp = "%s The %s %s I went up to the!"
ObtainSkill = "%s remember!"
# アイテム使用
UseItem = "%s I used to %s!"
# クリティカルヒット
CriticalToEnemy = "Blow of satisfaction!!"
CriticalToActor = "Hit of regretful!!"
# アクター対象の行動結果
ActorDamage = "%s of %s received a damage!"
ActorRecovery = "%s of %s the %s Has recovered!"
ActorGain = "%s of %s the %s Increased!"
ActorLoss = "%s of %s the %s Decreased!"
ActorDrain = "%s Of %s the %s Was robbed!"
ActorNoDamage = "%s Has not been damaged!"
ActorNoHit = "Miss! %s Has not been damaged!"
# 敵キャラ対象の行動結果
EnemyDamage = "%s To %s damage!"
EnemyRecovery = "%s of %s the %s Has recovered!"
EnemyGain = "%s of %s the %s Increased!"
EnemyLoss = "%s of %s the %s Decreased!"
EnemyDrain = "%s Of %s the %s Was robbed!"
EnemyNoDamage = "%s Has not been damaged!"
EnemyNoHit = "Miss! %s Has not been damaged!"
# 回避/反射
Evasion = "%s Was dodge the attack!"
MagicEvasion = "%s Had to cancel the magic!"
MagicReflection = "%s Was the magic bounce!"
CounterAttack = "%s Counterattack!"
Substitute = "%s The %s protect!"
# 能力強化/弱体
BuffAdd = "%s of %s Has risen!"
DebuffAdd = "%s Of %s Drops!"
BuffRemove = "%s of %s has returned to the original!"
# スキル、アイテムの効果がなかった
ActionFailure = "%s did not work!"
# エラーメッセージ
PlayerPosError = "Initial position of the player has not been set."
EventOverflow = "Common call event has exceeded the limit."
# 基本ステータス
def self.basic(basic_id)
# 能力値
def self.param(param_id)
# 装備タイプ
def self.etype(etype_id)
# コマンド
def self.command(command_id)
# 通貨単位
def self.currency_unit
def self.level; basic(0); end # レベル
def self.level_a; basic(1); end # レベル (短)
def self.hp; basic(2); end # HP
def self.hp_a; basic(3); end # HP (短)
def; basic(4); end # MP
def self.mp_a; basic(5); end # MP (短)
def; basic(6); end # TP
def self.tp_a; basic(7); end # TP (短)
def self.fight; command(0); end # 戦う
def self.escape; command(1); end # 逃げる
def self.attack; command(2); end # 攻撃
def self.guard; command(3); end # 防御
def self.item; command(4); end # アイテム
def self.skill; command(5); end # スキル
def self.equip; command(6); end # 装備
def self.status; command(7); end # ステータス
def self.formation; command(8); end # 並び替え
def; command(9); end # セーブ
def self.game_end; command(10); end # ゲーム終了
def self.weapon; command(12); end # 武器
def self.armor; command(13); end # 防具
def self.key_item; command(14); end # 大事なもの
def self.equip2; command(15); end # 装備変更
def self.optimize; command(16); end # 最強装備
def self.clear; command(17); end # 全て外す
def self.new_game; command(18); end # ニューゲーム
def self.continue; command(19); end # コンティニュー
def self.shutdown; command(20); end # シャットダウン
def self.to_title; command(21); end # タイトルへ
def self.cancel; command(22); end # やめる
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maav gaa ada screenshoot nya
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